Coordenador de Operações in Safemaine Operadora Portuária Ltda

Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil
Current:Safemaine Operadora Portuária Ltda
Past:Safemarine Logística Portuária
Education:Ensino médio

Job Experience

Coordenador de Operações

Safemaine Operadora Portuária Ltda

December 2013 to Actually working here

Operations Supervisor

Safemarine Logística Portuária

June 2005 to Actually working here

Agency of vessels loading and unloading of crew and technical equipment admitting vessels, operational planning hiring skilled labor and equipment to perform operations boarding and unloading control storage and handling of general cargo and ground equipment aboard vessels in ports retro areas warehouses and basements vessels or confined areas. Operational Control on ships and in Offshore vessels hiring of stevedoring and cargo handling Heavy Lieft, steel products, bulk in general and specialized in apeacao desapeacao load in general. Visits to customers development of hirings, quotations and commercial contracts and operational. Skills: Ease of learning, good interpersonal communication and ease to receive and execute trainings and lectures, explanation of services scope of operations and bureaucratic, good diction and ease in control and leading teams

Vessel Agent

Grupo Lachmann

February 2005 to May 2005

Freight vessel control entry and exit of vessels in the ports of ES Agency of vessels loading and unloading of crew and technical equipment admitting vessels, operational planning

Coordenador de Operações

Seaway Agencia Maritima e operadora portuária

June 1914 to Actually working here

Agenciamento de embarcações embarque e desembarque de tripulantes técnicos e equipamentos admissão de embarcações desembaraço documentais em geral, planejamento operacional contratação de mão de obra especializada e equipamentos para a execução de operações de embarque e descarga controle de estocagem e movimentação de carga em geral e equipamentos em terra a bordo de embarcações em portos retro áreas armazéns e porões de embarcações ou em áreas confinadas.


Ensino médio

[Otra]Colegio Americano batista de Vitória (Brasil)

December 2013 to Currently studying




IT skills

Other Skills

navegation agent Operational Support Sales Operations Coordinator of Operations and Logistics

More 27 996958957

Career Goals

Industries of interest

Areas of interest

Availability to travel and work outside the city


Interests and hobbies