Supervisor de Contact center Claro in Claro Chile, Comunicacion.

valparaiso, Valparaíso, Chile
Current:Claro Chile, Comunicacion.
Education:Prevencionista de Riesgos

Job Experience

Supervisor de Contact center Claro

Claro Chile, Comunicacion.

August 2006 to Actually working here

Encargada de personal call center , liderando la fuerza de ventas y servicios , cumpliendo metas y buscando siempre la mejora continua y la excelencia en servicios.-


Prevencionista de Riesgos

Inacap - Icce

Currently studying


IT skills

Other Skills

More Fabi

Career Goals

Industries of interest

Areas of interest

Availability to travel and work outside the city


Interests and hobbies