Business Development Executive(Internship) in Gogo Skil Marketing

SEREMBAN, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
Current:Gogo Skil Marketing
Education:International Economics

Job Experience

Business Development Executive(Internship)

Gogo Skil Marketing

July 2015 to Actually working here

While doing my industrial training in Gogo Skil Marketing, I learned many basic tasks to be performed in sales and marketing department in daily basis. Besides that, I was also assigned and learned few technical task such as creating website and credit memos. There are much different technically on what I had learned at university and applied at work place. At work place, it is important to be effective, efficient and practical. In addition, I also have asked to to task in China. I travel alone there and manage complete the task given to me and earn applaud from my supervisor. Obeying the work procedures is also important in order to make sure everyone can perform their task without any hassle.


International Economics

University of Malaysia Sarawak

Currently studying


IT skills

Other Skills


Career Goals

Industries of interest

Areas of interest

Availability to travel and work outside the city


Interests and hobbies