Photographer - trainer in PETER COLLIE photography

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Current:PETER COLLIE photography
Education:Diploma in Photography

Job Experience

Photographer - trainer

PETER COLLIE photography

January 1995 to Actually working here

I have been running my own photo studio and also doing travelling workshops and demonstrations. The biggest travelling workshops were in primary schools across Australia and run through the Moran Art Prize. I developed the course and programme.
I have done workshops for Apple, Olympus + Vogue, ACMP, HeadOn and others.


Diploma in Photography

Dawson College (Canadá)

September 1980 to September 1983



Bilingual / Native


Bilingual / Native

IT skills



Other Skills


More Peter

Career Goals

I have amassed a wealth of experience in photography both digital and analog and am seeking opportunities to use it directly, teaching or facilitating photographic "experiences" such as leading tours and workshops.

Industries of interest

Fashion industry

Areas of interest

Media / TV, Radio, Others

Availability to travel and work outside the city


Interests and hobbies

Sailing, swimming, cooking,