School 32 Teacher of English and French 17 years Cooperate closely with more than 10 staffs in School 32

Lviv, Abroad, Canada
Current:School 32
Education:English teacher

Job Experience

School 32 Teacher of English and French 17 years Cooperate closely with more than 10 staffs

School 32

September 1998 to Actually working here

I?m a hard working determined person who really enjoys achieving job tasks. I don?t afraid looking for new possibilities, make an initiative and I?have a well-developed sense of cooperation thus I?m very good at working in a team supporting people and helping them in various situations! Beeing an English teacher with a long period experience, I always take part in organizing different events and language summer camps. My students regulary take part in English competitions held in Lviv and achieve high grades.


English teacher

Pedagogical Institute in Drogobich

Currently studying




IT skills

Other Skills

More Lyuba

Career Goals

Industries of interest

Areas of interest

Availability to travel and work outside the city


Interests and hobbies