Ruby on Rails Developer in Tradeshi Limited

Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Current:Tradeshi Limited
Education:Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering

Job Experience

Ruby on Rails Developer

Tradeshi Limited

October 2016 to Actually working here

Tradeshi Ltd. Is a Alibaba Inc.'s Global Service Partner and they also provide various IT and Web Based support and service. Tradeshi built their own Customised CRM using Fat Free CRM( and I have responsibility to maintain and develop feature based on their daily quirement. So till now I developed, Company inventory system, Leave System, Paysheet management, Sent custom email through CRM using SendGrid, Employee Performance hour wise chart view, Comment Analyzer using an AI ( And I also provide IT related support like PC/OS installation, New hardware installation, Collect requirement and purchase those. Access control and monitoring. And others IT related support.


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering

University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh

Currently studying


IT skills

Other Skills

More H M Shariar Khan

Career Goals

Industries of interest

Areas of interest

Availability to travel and work outside the city


Interests and hobbies