Branch Manager in Doves Funeral

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Current:Doves Funeral
Education:Manager, Assessor, Fasilitator, Moderator, marketing

Job Experience

Branch Manager

Doves Funeral

September 2015 to Actually working here

Marketing Co-ordinator/Sales Rep
Administration, buying of stationary, filing, send accounts for payments, data capturing, keeping of files up to date, monthly reports to Head Office, record keeping, responsible for marketers payments, appointments with clients, flight bookings, extensive telephone duties, inclusive of switchboard, extensive customer queries, customer relations, updating and maintenance of customer details and information, organising interviews with consultants, communication with short listed job applicants, assisting with administration of the recruitment process, extensive client liaison, travel arrangements, in-house systems management, administration, payments, stationery, filing, arranging interview rooms, screening calls, making arrangements for meetings, functions, conferences -coordinating logistics, ensuring a suitable venue is booked and set up with the appropriate equipment, confirming attendee availability, ensuring that any materials required for meetings are available and ready etc.


Manager, Assessor, Fasilitator, Moderator, marketing


Currently studying


IT skills

Other Skills

More Wynand

Career Goals

Industries of interest

Areas of interest

Availability to travel and work outside the city


Interests and hobbies